First time I met Anna in Kiev, Ukraine a few years ago. Since then we meet regularly, now in London. Our first meeting was in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere and I felt I could ask most important and private things easily and get insightful advice based on Anna's skills as a medium. by the end of each consultation I always had a new perspective and felt more certain. So if you want to get an understanding of your life's circumstances, make an important decision such as divorce/marriage, accepting a new job or even a buying a property I can definitely recommend Anna. Meeting with Anna could give you a new perspective and help to make your own choice knowing more options. Now, when I am faced with any important decision, I try to include Anna's opinion by reaching her even over the phone or Skype. In my case, it was worth it every single time.
Olena B.
I can't thank you enough. I'm sorry if I seemed a little dazed, I'venot had a reading before. Thank you for your time, I'm so excited forthe future, finally some happiness :)I've just spoken to my mum, and her dad liked both Guinness andliquorice. And it was her dad that had problems with his heart andpassed away in his sleep... so I have passed the messages onto her.Thank you again, I will let you know how things unravel, and I wouldlove another reading again with you in the future.
Sophie X.
"Hello, dear Anna. Big thanks for the help and for a wise advice. Me and my husband were on a consultation with you in Lviv a year ago. It happened so that after a meeting with you our life has changed dramatically. We changed a job, a house, we live in other country! Events were unfolding in a very strange way: in the end we did appear where you did see us. We are convinced, that it won't happened without a meeting with you! Obviously, life is more fluid, than we imagine. Separate events are combining like puzzles, and you can see the whole picture only at the end. We are so grateful to you! If sometime we will have a chance to help you somehow, we will be happy. With respect and gratitude, Oksana and Bogdan Truskavetskiie."
Oksana and Bogdan Truskavetskiie
Hi Anna,How are you these days? I have been meaning to pass on some news for ages. One of the hairdressers who works at the salon I go to had a sitting with you last year and you told her all sorts of things that didn’t make any sense. She didn’t go into any detail but it was all about places, people, language that she felt had nothing to do with her and she was so puzzled. Anyway around November time lots of things started happening that she would never have thought possible. She said it was all so accurate that she has been bowled over by it. She is delighted that you are coming again this year and definitely wants another sitting. I’m looking forward to seeing you again too.Love and best wishesVal
Val, Great Britain
Me and my daughter met Anna Galliers in Poltava. We are very pleased with the consultation. Anna's predictions have come true. Anna really had helped to restore vitality and believe in myself! Useful information and a pleasant chat with a psychic. Thank you very much for your help! I will advise everyone in need to get in touch with Anna.
Julia, Poltava
I met Anna Galliers and we had a conversation. While speaking I found out her to be a quite indifferent person, kind-hearted, emotional and making effort to select the words one could perceive. Anna really sees the things the ordinary people are not able to see. She lit hope in my heart. She gave me some piece of advice how to behave in the sphere of life where I needed a tip. These could be the words of the inspired person right after the meeting with the worldwide known medium from England but the fact that some time passed and some good predictions of Anna are beginning to come true. I am endlessly thankful to her for making difference to my life! Dear Anna, thanks a lot! Tanya
Tatiana, Dnipropetrovsk
I am grateful to Anna for having helped me to get in touch with my late mother and literally hand me her wishes. Its very hard to realize that  you will never see a loved one again. I am grateful to Anna for the warmth that comes from her and support. She's really the nature of the medium, I am convinced of this.
Irina, Kiev
Your reading for me on Wednesday was a gift of love, healing and joy on very profound levels. I want to acknowledge your gentleness, genuine nature and spiritual generosity. You are a beautiful soul.