Anna Galliers’s interview for the New Style magazine

Anna Galliers’s interview for the New Style magazine 14 October

Anna Galliers is a British medium-psychic and clairvoyant. She says that in one of her previous lives she was a witch who was burnt. Anna first felt that she had extraordinary abilities at the age of eight. Since then “she has gone through a long path developing her gift”. In 2006 Anna Galliers participated in the «Britain’s Psychic Challenge» programme shown on the Fifth channel of British television where her abilities were tested with the help of a number of tasks. In 2010 Anna was invited to take part in the Ukrainian analogue of the British programme “The Battle of the Psychics. The War of the Worlds”. In March 2012, as one of the best participants of the first nine seasons of the show, Anna Galliers took part in the tenth “Battle of the Psychics” – “The War of the Titans”. She considers her ability to look for people remotely her highest achievement.

Anna, you were eight when you first felt the presence of spirits. Was it scary?

I remember when I was a teenager I was walking along the corridor in my friend’s house and I felt someone’s physical presence behind my back. It was so distinct, so terrifyingly real! At first it was weird to see the spirits who lived in my friends’ homes.

How did you learn to communicate with the spirits, to talk to them?

The language doesn’t matter when you communicate with the spirits – it all happens in the consciousness, through thoughts and mind. The information given by the spirit has the shape of a thought; however, this thought is so unusual and peculiar that you immediately feel the difference and realise: this is not your own thought. Sometimes the message from the spirit contains the information that I don’t know or it is expressed with the words that I have never used before. So I just tell people what my brain “hears” being a channel through which the spirit of a dead person sends the necessary information or answers the questions.

How can you explain the fact that the stories about ghosts and spirits are especially popular in Great Britain?

I believe that this phenomenon is to some extent present in various countries, not only in Great Britain; however, depending on the culture of each country it is expressed and emphasised differently. When I came to Ukraine last year to participate in the “War of the Worlds” TV show, I realised that people talk a lot about evil eye, curses and hexes. This fear makes them more susceptible to strong negative energy.

This is very important: how does one who has special energy and power use it? The so called black and white magic.

If I am addressed by people who believe that they have been cursed, I see that such a state is the result of the influence of powerful negative energy from their ill-wishers. This hostile energy is sometimes so strong that people can feel it physically, becoming depressed or stressed. And, having realised that, they become even more down and susceptible to the fear that this curse is working. But I believe that if a person keeps calm, is concentrated and confident, they can withstand this negative energy and create a protective force field around them. There is no black or white energy; there are different intentions of using it – good or evil.

What made you decide to take part in the “Battle of the Psychics”?

I wanted to try myself in a new quality, in a new situation, test my abilities and get more opportunities. It is very important for me to use my gift to help people, for instance, to cooperate with the police and help them to find people who went missing.

Have you had such cases in your experience?

Before going to Ukraine I was addressed by a woman who was asking to find her relative, a 22-year-old young man who lived in Poland but suddenly disappeared. When I looked at the picture of this man, I immediately felt that he was in spirit. But I wanted to make sure and, as he established a contact with me and showed me a certain area near the river as well as his friends around him, I sent a letter with these descriptions to this woman. When she replied me with the link to the video footage of her relative, I was shocked: it was exactly the same image I saw. The policemen in Poland started searching for him in the place I described and soon they found his body in the river.

What is the difference between the “Battle of the Psychics” in Great Britain and in Ukraine? What was the most difficult thing for you as a participant?

The British “Battle” was more humorous: for instance, I had to find a man hiding the trunk of one of the cars in a huge garage using his picture. I immediately understood where he was but certainly I walked around the whole garage and then pointed at that place. He was there, of course! In Ukraine I had a lot of sad tragic stories. The most difficult thing was to tell the parents of a teenage girl how their daughter died because she was beaten up, raped and killed by a group of young men. It was extremely difficult, but the parents addressed the show on their own will to find out the truth, it was important for them, so I told them what I saw.

How can one distinguish a real medium from a scammer pretending to be a psychic and earning money on other people’s misfortunes?

First of all, the references from the people you trust are very important. Then, when you arrange an appointment, ask how this medium works, whether they give answers to specific questions and which methods they use.

During the reading be open to what the psychic says and asks – and in 15 minutes you will understand who is sitting in front of you. Your intuition, feelings and common sense will tell you.

When you see a person, can you predict their future? Or your future? For example, did you feel that you are going to get into a car crash before it happened?

No, I did not know that I was going to get into a car crash – I only felt some heaviness. As for other people, sometimes I see that they have a serious disease or they are in danger; however, I try not to scare them. I believe that it is important just to let them know what to pay attention to, to warn them. To tell someone I see for the first time in my life that they have a terrible illness is a wrong action for me, it’s a great responsibility.

Like your grandmother, you and your daughters have a psychic gift. In your opinion, is it something genetic or something that one can learn?

We know a lot of examples when several people in one family had this gift. However, I believe that this is not only a genetic phenomenon and cells’ memory. It is not less important to connect these physical parameters to the consciousness and spiritual energy of a person.

Do your daughters use their psychic talents?

They are both students. Gemma studies psychology, my other daughter – criminology and psychology. Gemma’s friends and fellow students always ask her about their concerns. So the fact that she uses her gift in everyday life is very convenient for everyone! It seems to me that people often want to get an informational instruction: what they need to do, what they should choose or which decision they have to make.

You are in Ukraine now, participating in the finale of the 10th season of the “Battle of the Psychics” – “The War of the Worlds”…

My previous trip to Ukraine changed a lot in my life. I have been trying to keep my family for the sake of the children for many years. Now, when my children are adults and study at university, I decided to get divorced with my husband and I hope to dedicate more time to my work. It is not simply to live in a different country, but I feel a surprising connection with Ukrainians and Russians, as if I got a new home here. Having lived in Ukraine for 6 months during the show, I decided to have a fresh look at my British situation, to understand how important it is to me to realise my gift by helping people. I feel that I need to do this. This is my life.

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